South Beach Casino Manitoba Bed Bugs
Our pest elimination experts provide excellent mice control, rodent control, insect control, and the removal of other unwanted pests. These removal services include, but are not exclusive to, ants, cockroaches, mice, raccoons, and bed bug infestations by our exterminators. Abell has been providing quality pest control services since 1924. Renters concerned about bed bugs can call 1-855-3MB-BUGS (1-855-362-2847) or email The Pest Hotline will provide information over the phone about bed bug identification and what is needed to treat the infestation and prevent it from coming back. Canad Inns is Manitoba’s Largest Hospitality Provider, proud Signature Sponsor of Manitoba 150 and the new Learn 150, a bilingual, made-in-Manitoba learning resource, one of Manitoba’s Top Employers, one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for two decades, winner of the Manitoba Hotel Association Impact Award, and the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce 2016 Outstanding Large Business Award.
The tiny, wingless Bed Bug invites its whole family to feast on people when they are least able to defend themselves.
Updated: 6/9/2020; Authored By Staff Writer; Content ©
Although it is best known for its ruthless biting and feeding on slumbering humans, the Bed Bug is a parasite of birds and bats as well. They do not transmit diseases to people, but they can create areas of great skin irritation and itching. Their bites open skin up to their saliva which causes a vexing reaction.
The Bed Bug's body is very flat and rusty red colored; sometimes it looks purple or even brown. It is more reddish in color just after a blood feeding. They are only 4mm to 6mm in length and can be difficult to spot on dark bedding or mattresses. Antennae are present and appear quite thin and segmented. Short stubby legs complement the short - almost unseen - stubby, useless wings.
Bed Bugs enjoy the warmth and constant food supply that a mammal host offers. During the day, they hide in crevices. At night they come out of hiding to feed. They suck the blood out from their host to mature into adulthood. The bites themselves are not painful so a human host usually remains sleeping through the night. A Bed Bug will bite its human host, drink some blood, then move a little and bite a new place. This repetitive behavior results in huge areas of afflicted skin. Bed Bugs can survive without food for 12 to 15 months. They will travel a great distance for a meal. To reproduce, males inject sperm directly inside the female's abdomen where eggs are fertilized. A female can lay up to 300 eggs in her lifetime. These eggs are very small and white, but are still visible on a mattress for those carefully looking for them. Many generations of Bed Bugs can be born in a year which means they can reproduce quite rapidly in an area and spread to surrounding areas, quickly inhabiting other mattresses.
To check for Bed Bugs, uncover the mattress by removing all the bedding, sheets, and any mattress cover. (If staying in a hotel or vacation rental, perform a mattress check BEFORE unpacking. This limits exposure to your belongings should you find evidence of Bed Bugs and need to leave the room permanently.) Visually scan all edges and seams for the brown bugs, their tiny white eggs, small spots of blood (from previous victims), and brown spots of fecal matter left by the bugs. Check the box spring beneath the mattress as well. Unfortunately Bed Bugs do not just stay on mattresses in bedrooms. They can walk around and hide in furniture crevices or on clothing, but are more likely to be in a bed, closer to a food source. Because of their mobility, however, people may unwittingly transfer Bed Bugs to new locations. Immaculate housekeeping cannot stop guests from bringing in new bug populations.
If you have been bitten by Bed Bugs, seeking medical attention can help treat the symptoms (swelling, redness, intense itching) and make your recovery more comfortable. A professional exterminator should be contacted to remove room infestations and can advise on treating affected belongings.
Bed Bugs Facts Sheets
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South Beach Casino Manitoba Bed Bugs
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Residential Tenancies
- Bed Bug Information for Landlords and Property Managers (PDF 585 KB)
- Bed Bug Removal - Information for Tenants (PDF 593 KB)
- Bed Bugs - Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants (PDF 589 KB)
Other Resources
- Avoiding Bed Bug 'Hitchhikers' (PDF 637 KB)
- Bed Bug Brochure (PDF 1.2 MB)
- Bed Bug Guide for Licensed Child Care Facilities (PDF 605 KB)
- Bed Bug Guide for Schools (PDF 434 KB)
- Bed Bug Guide for Workplace (PDF 467 KB)
- Bed Bug Resource for Camps (PDF 461 KB)
- Do Not Self Treat for Bed Bugs Info Card (PDF 1 MB)
- How to Get Your Home Ready for a Bed Bug Treatment (PDF 3 MB)
- Manitoba Hotel Association - Watch for Bed Bugs Resource Tool (PDF 1.92 MB)
- Myths and Facts About Bed Bugs (PDF 828 KB)
- What to do... If You Live in a Building with Bed Bugs (PDF 831 KB)